
Ahhh spring……… Waltzing right in with your dazzling charms Ever ascending, seemingly endless Luring our senses, our longings Stealing our hearts bloom by bloom We fall, knowing you will leave us too soon A lingering scent in your vanishing trail

I wanted to change my name to Meadow To be like those delicate flowers High in the mountains Or under Savannah oaks Dancing lightly in the wind Gleeful in the greening of spring Nectar for early bees and butterflies Gazing at the clouds all day Imagining……………
New Beginnings

Just when I thought I couldn’t be more in awe of trees, I find this burned redwood tree in the woods behind our house, resprouting at the base. Call is resilience, perseverance, survival, or whatever, but to me it is amazing grace. And I feel this new surge of life stirring in me, as our
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A year ends, another begins This is the way of things The living and the dying, side by side Decaying leaves and evergreen boughs Red berries, fresh mushrooms, the lichen, the grass sprouts Grief and Joy, all rolled into one glorious breath of life Inhale and exhale It is all the same, all so very
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Stumps and Sprouts

We recently had to move from our home of 14 years where I loved and tended gardens, shrubs, trees, a pond, a creek, and knew pretty much every plant intimately through every season. Our new sweet home is full of promise, but just before we moved here, 8 large oak trees were cut down by
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Knowing this is my final harvest at our ol’ home place of 14 years makes it sweeter than ever. Having recently read an amazing book “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, I truly feel in my bones that I have loved a place, loved a garden, and felt deeply loved in return. True reciprocity. This
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Tangled up in Blue

Tangled up in blue. Our last day at the ol’ home place. We will miss it. So many memories. But as we packed up and uprooted, we could see that home is wherever we are together, and behind us is a trail of love and beauty. Heavenly Blue morning glories waved us goodbye amid the
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I’ve heard this before from my family and friends. “No more flowers, we need to grow things we can eat!” or “we need to have more room for vegetables, not flowers!” But what veggies are to the body, flowers are to the soul. A garden without flowers is like a world without poetry, music, or
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I am learning about Ojas and how self nourishment builds Ojas. My friend and Ayurveda Practitioner, Jessica Hartley Litton, taught me how to make calendula and botanical infused oils. Oiling my skin and body daily with nourishing oils, has restored my energy and helped me feel more calm, centered and grounded. My favorite is calendula,
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End of May, foxgloves climbing and wild azaleas oozing their sweet aromas, ferns and rhododendrons entwine among redwoods, and thickets of wild rose and blackberry sweeten the dusk light. Juicy stalks, sprawling tendrils, leaves unfurling, buds inviting, and the whole earth is erupting in lush beauty and splendor as if all life depends on this.
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