Savor - Karel Hendee - Artist
Recent Works
Upcoming events
To learn more about Karel's musical performances, please visit our facebook pages for "The Free Range String Band"-Old time Appalachian Music We are an acoustic duo playing Old Time Appalachian songs and tunes and sharing stories from the range. Karel and her husband Jonathan Lyerly will entertain you with banjo, fiddle, bass, guitar, mandolin and other surprises. "Love Train"-Soul Music We are a duo backed by a band with a 3 piece horn section playing early Soul Music. Great for dancing and celebrating.
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I’ve heard this before from my family and friends. “No more flowers, we need to grow things we can eat!” or “we need to have more room for vegetables, not flowers!” But what veggies are to the body, flowers are to the soul. A garden without flowers is like a world without poetry, music, or dance. Flowers heal us, not just botanically with their herbal remedies, but they speak the language of our soul. They open to the light, they emit fragrances, they seduce pollinators and admirers, they remind us of who we are and who we can be. Beautiful.

So I say, plant flowers you can eat too. Add a little spice and zing with nasturtiums, violets, calendula, and more. Feast on your dreams, your passions, and your pleasures.
